Windsor v. Coach Houses at Leesburg Condominium Lawsuit – LEGAL BACKGROUND

  1. Coach Houses at Leesburg Condominium Association, Inc. (“ASSOCIATION”) was incorporated with Articles of Incorporation (“ARTICLES”) on August 27, 1980. [EXHIBIT A.] [1]
  2. The ASSOCIATION is a 32-unit condominium project in Leesburg, Florida with 32 members/owners. 
  3. The Bylaws of the ASSOCIATION (“BYLAWS”) were enacted September 1, 1980.  [EXHIBIT B.]  EXHIBIT C is a fraudulent BYLAW amendment.
  4. The Declaration of Condominium Ownership (“DECLARATION”) was dated November 20, 1980 and was filed November 21, 1980. [EXHIBIT D.]

All known Rules and Regulations (“RULES”) are EXHIBIT E.

[1] All EXHIBITS are on the Flash Drive EXHIBIT K-1.


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